[REDACTED] About Comms Alters Contact Twitch Toyhouse

Under Construction

Hi there! Thank you for coming and looking at my site! Unfortunately for both of us, its still under heavy construction. Feel free to click on things to your heart's content as you never know what I've updated or worked on last!

About Me!

Hello there my name is REDACTED. I am a 21 year old trying to figure out how to code with CSS and HTML. Its going miserably as you can tell. Regardless Welcome to my website. No DNI, test your mettle. I have a plethora of both mental and physical disorders so all I ask for is your patience with me. I feel like I'm relatively friendly so if you have any questions or concerns please just contact me? I respond fastest to discord.

Disorder Info

My "collection" of disorders includes but is not limited to: Depression, Anxiety, DID, c-PTSD, ADHD , Autism, Fibromyalgia , Neuropathy. So if you clicked any of the links I just provided you, you can come to the realization all by yourself that I'm not particularly mentally stable with my physical health struggling as well. These are only the diagnoses I have both professionally recieved/been recommended, and are willing to share. Some of these impact me more than others. While I am disabled, I am not looking to take any critisim on my lifestyle at the moment, yes I've tried yoga.

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