
Alters that prefer record keeping and memory mainetence. Can usually be found in the Archives of headspace and can be helpful when trying to get memory info.


Alters that are designated caregivers for the system as a whole. They typically will spend most of their time with Littles and Trauma Holders.


Alters who feel they have a responsibility to "front" or take control of the body when others refuse to exist.


Alters that regulate who is in front as well as memory management/sorting.


The alters in charge so to speak.


Alters that harm insys and outsys, either on purpose or from trying to protect the system.


Alters whos job is to protect and manage the system's safety on a day to day basis.

Trauma Holders

Alters who hold traumatic experiences and memories.

SubSys Central

SubSystems are groups of alters that have exceptional communication and low amnesia barriers. This can take the form of small friend groups, or an alter having DID themself.


Alters the are considered "Blurry." A mix of identities that have stabilized into a blend.


UnCategorized alters who just want a fun page

Every One

All alter info we have at this moment in time